Friday, December 3, 2010

Talk More About Islam

Asalamu'alaikum JHUMA brothers,

Hope all is well with each of you and your families. Alhumdulilah, I had a nice break last week and visited family in both northern and southern California...

Some of you may know about my new project: is a networking site for Muslims to come together, talk about Islamic topics and focus on striving to do more good deeds. Alhumdulilah the site is less than a month old and there are over 130 members who have contributed valuable content and intiated good discussions.

You can say is a facebook for Muslims, but it doesn't have the distractions of facebook. I saw that on facebook, most of the things that Muslims shared and talked about were worldly and vain day to day matters. So, alhumdulilah, I created with many of the same netorking features as facebook and even some extra (blogs, walls, events, groups, etc.), but fully focused on Islamic topics.

The first step is to just bring more Muslims together at We can all start by talking more about Islam as the first step. Once more people gather to talk about Islam together, then we can strive to colloborate on projects that meet the needs of the Muslim community. There are many distractions in our day to day lives, so my intention in creating is to give the Muslim community an easy way to gather on-line and remind each other to strive to do good.

Inshallah, I hope to interact with each of you more deeply on Please also share this with your contacts, friends and family.

Membership is free so log on to

I am open to and would appreciate any feedback as well.

May Allah guide us all and keep us all on the straight path.

Your brother in Islam,
Doing Good

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