Assalamu alaikum Brothers!
Firstly I apologize Azim for jumping ahead of you in line.. :)
Recently I was reminded of a Hadith that I learned a while ago
[لا يستر عبدٌ عبدًا في الدنيا إلا ستره الله يوم القيامة) [مسلم)
The prophet (SAS) is narrated to have said:
A slave (of Allah) does not cover (for) another slave (of Allah) except that Allah covers him on the day of Qiyaamah/Intense standing/reckoning. [ Sahih Muslim ]
If we take a look at ourselves we realize that we have innumerable number of faults/deficiencies/and defects (me especially). If we spend our lives looking at others, we come to realize the faults of others. And sometimes, when we get to know someone real well, some of their deep secrets become exposed to us.
The prophet (SAS) teaches us that we should make an effort to cover the faults & defects of other slaves of Allah. [ No doubt there are exceptions to this, but this is the general rule, and Allah knows best. ] And if we cover the faults of others, the reward is that Allah will cover our own faults on the Day of Judgement, so that insha Allah when we stand to be judged, we will remember the sins and faults we did in this life, but Allah will not expose them out of his mercy as we did not allow the faults of our brother/sister to be exposed either!
And my further thoughts/explanation of this:
It is interesting to note that the prophet (SAS) used the word ( ستر ) (sitr/cover)
which is the same term used in the phrase ( ستر العورة ) (cover the private parts -- e.g. as a prerequisite to prayer)
So it is almost as if we are given the visualization that we are encourage to cover the deep hidden private mistakes/sins of others as we make sure our own private parts are not exposed, in the hopes that Allah will not expose our deepest privates sins on the Day of Judgement.
May Allah grant us the ability to follow the advice of the Prophet , peace and blessings be upon him!
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