Friday, May 25, 2012

Blog Automation Solution [Your Reply Requested]


InshAllah, you and your families are in the best of health and Imaan. Alhumdulilah, Nazia, Abida and I are doing OK.

I have a solution to propose that can, inshAllah automate our JHUMA Brothers blog, although it doesn't meet Nabil's full automation suggested requirements, it is, inshAllah, a solution that will work better than our current.

The solution is:

1. I will schedule an automatic reminder email on the 1st day of every month for everyone to send to ME ONLY (, their own blog post for the month.

2. As we have 24 brothers in this group, we each will have until the 4th of the month to reply back, to ME ONLY (, with our individual post. If you miss the deadline, there is no guarantee that your post will show up, but i'll try to accommodate.

3. Please start your email with "This is my [YOUR NAME HERE]'s JHUMA Brothers post," to avoid confusion

4. I will copy and paste your post into the blogger system and schedule one post to be sent out per day of the month.

We all don't need to know the technicalities of how the delayed posting works, but it would be good if ONE or TWO of you could volunteer to be a back up, at which point I will show you how to schedule the posts through the blogger system that is already linked to this google group.

 NOTE: all of the emails would originate from my email address in this solution, so I will make the subject of your email posts your name.

Also Note: You will still be able to send additional emails to the group whenever you want, if you have an in-between update, etc.

 InshAllah, please reply back so I can know if we have a consensus to start this automation. If so, I will plan to kick this off on June 1st.

JazakAllah khier,