Thursday, June 16, 2011

The power of the adhan

Asalaamu alaikum

I'm out of turn or extremely late depending on how you view things. At any rate I have spoken to some of you all recently and more of you I have not and since Nabil has shamed me into finally writing in my my traditional fashion... here goes.

I have been remiss in sharing with you all that my daughter (Zainab Aminah) was born on May 17th. She is very healthy and already has a strong personality at this early age and (alhamdulilah) her siblings are adjusting to her getting so much attention. Aside from that, things have been quite hectic but usually in a good way. Please indulge me in one anecdote:

Directly after Zainab was born she begins to scream and she is loud. I begin to say the adhan quietly to her and she immediately quiets herself and opens her eyes to look at me. This was one of the most humbling and exhilarating moments of my life and an illustration of the value of giving the adhan.

It is reported that Abu Rafi` (a Companion) said, "I saw the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and his household and grant them peace) give adhan in the ear of al-Hasan, the son of `Ali, when Fatimah gave birth to him."