Unfortunately I was not able to make it to meet up with you guys in Texas. Inshallah I look forward to seeing all of you sometime soon. I had an excellent vacation in Chicagoland with my in-laws and other extended family. We also did some skiing up in Wisconsin...
My advice this post is in regards to the present state of the Ummah and what the only solution for change is. The following post is the full message of what I would like to share: The most important part of this message is that we as an ummah need to put all of our trust in Allah alone, so the following ayah is most relevant:
And put your trust (O Muhammad SAW) in the Ever Living One Who dies not, and glorify His Praises, and Sufficient is He as the All-Knower of the sins of His slaves
Allah (swt) is the only one that can provide us support and grant us success in this life and the next. Therefore, the only way to be successful is to strive to be the best servant of Allah that one can be.
May Allah enable us to be successful in this life and the next...